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Super Mario Bros.

Cheats, codes, hints, tips, tricks, Easter eggs and game help

Continue Game Play

When the “Game Over” screen appears, hold the A button. Keep this button held when the title screen appears and press Start to continue at the last world where you left off. This cheat can also be achieved by holding A at the title screen and pressing Start twice or by holding A and B and pressing Start at the “Game Over” screen.


For fireworks to appear at the end of the level, jump through the flagpole when the last digit on the timer is a 1, 3 or 6.

Have fire power while small

At the end of any boss level except for the final level, make sure you are Super Mario and jump onto the axe object at the end of the bridge at the same instance as also hitting the Koopa boss. You will flash as if you have been hit, but remain as Super Mario. In the next level, collecting a flower will make you smaller, however, you will still be able to throw fireballs. This cheat can also be achieved if you jump onto an already-released flower at the same moment as being hit by an enemy. You will have shrunk in size at the same time as receiving fire power, thus allowing you to throw fireballs while small.

Alternate Music

For alternate music in the boss levels, collect an invincibility star towards the end of the level before the boss level so that you are still invincible while passing through the flagpole at the end. In the boss level that follows, you will still be invincible at the beginning, but after the invincibilty runs out, the music will return to normal level music rather than boss level music.

100 Lives

At the end of World 1-3, you'll reach a pyramid with a koopa walking down at you. Carefully leap on the left side of its shell, pinning it. Do this again and again and each time you hit it, you will receive an extra life. But do not go over 100 lives.

Warp Zones

World 1-2Towards the end of the underground section, jump onto the moving platform and jump right up to the top of the screen so you are standing on the brick ceiling. Keep running along the brick ceiling, past the pipe where you would normally exit. You will eventually come to a room with 3 pipes, allowing you to warp to World 2, 3 or 4.
World 1-2Near the exit pipe at the end of the underground section in World 1-2, break the second to last and third to last blocks from the edge above the exit pipe, but not the one closest to the pipe (You will need to be Super Mario or Fire Mario to do this). Stand on top of the exit pipe entrance as far left as you can without falling off. Hold DOWN to crouch and keep this button held while you press A to jump and press RIGHT as Mario is about to reach the peak of his jump, making him brush his back against the first from last block remaining at the top, but not breaking it. Mario should then begin walking through the wall, accessing a warp area with 3 pipes. Normally, going down any of these pipes will take you to World -1, however, if done very quickly, you can warp to World 5 via the middle pipe. If this has worked, the words "Welcome to Warp Zone" and the number 5 will appear above this pipe upon entering.
World 4-2At the first set of 2 platforms, you will see 3 blocks floating in the air to the right of these platforms. Stand directly under the space to the left of the first of these blocks and jump, revealing a block under that space. Stand directly under the second block and jump, revealing another block. Stand directly under the third block and jump again, revealing yet another block. Now, jump onto the third block that you just revealed, then jump to the second block that you just revealed. Move as close to the left as you can without falling off this block, then jump again. You will then hit the second block that already existed and a beanstalk will come out. Climb the beanstalk to find a warp zone, allowing you to warp to World 6, 7 or 8.
World 4-2In the underground section, find your way up to the very top of the screen, like in World 1-2, so that you are standing on the ceiling bricks. Run along to the end of the level, past the pipe where you would normally exit and you should come to a warp zone, allowing you to warp to World 5.
World 5-1When you get to the first pipe, walk back about 10 steps, then jump, revealing an invisible block. Jump onto this block, then hit the block on your right. A beanstalk should then appear. Climb the beanstalk to find a world full of coins with a warp zone at the end allowing you to warp to World 6, 7 or 8.

World -1

Near the exit pipe at the end of the underground section in World 1-2, break the second to last and third to last blocks from the edge above the exit pipe, but not the one closest to the pipe (You will need to be Super Mario or Fire Mario to do this). Stand on top of the exit pipe entrance as far left as you can without falling off. Hold Down to crouch and keep this button held while you press A to jump and press Right as Mario is about to reach the peak of his jump, making him brush his back against the first from last block remaining at the top, but not breaking it. Mario should then begin walking through the wall, accessing a warp area with 3 pipes, taking you to World -1.

Jump over the flagpole

In World 3-3, jump onto the moveable platforms near the flagpole and wait until the closest one is at its highest point before jumping towards the flagpole. If you have enough height, you will jump over the flagpole and be able to continue running past the castle into a never-ending world.

Pro Action Replay Codes

This cheat requires the Pro Action Replay cheat device.

Invincibility and always able to fire0007 56FF
Infinite Lives0007 5A02
Freeze Timer0007 FA04
Always have 99 Coins0007 EE99
Start on World 1-20007 6002
Different World0000 E8AC

Game Genie Codes

Some of these codes may only work on the Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt multi-cart.

This cheat requires the Game Genie cheat device.

Infinite LivesSXIOPO
Begin the game with 9 livesAATOZE
Begin the game with 6 livesIATOZA
Begin the game with 1 lifeAATOZA
Player 1 starts with 8 lives and Player 2 with 3VATOLE
Take no damage from most enemiesPAASNO or PAZSSO
Take no damage from touching enemiesUAYIUA
InvincibilitySSASSA or UATIUE
Invincibility for first 10 seconds plus extra time on timerGUAOPO
Able to move through walls and floorsAEAAAE
Able to move through enemiesUATIUA
Enemies can move through walls and pipesPIATYP
Start with 900 on the timerVGYOKK
Start with 460 on the timerLEAOPO
Start with 150 on timer and 30 seconds of invincibilityYNAOPO
Start with 600 on timer and 10 seconds of invincibilityLXAOPP
Start with 995 on timer and 20 seconds of invincibilityGVAOPP
Timer counts upVVAANY
Higher jumping from standing start onlyAPZLGK
Higher jumping from running onlyTPZLTG
Higher jumping from turbo running onlyGPZUAG
Extra high jumping from standing start onlyAPZLGG
Extra high jumping from running onlyAPZLTG
Extra high jumping from turbo running onlyGAZUAG
Extremely high jumpingAETLTK
Extremely high jumping from a standing startAETLIK
Jump higher and longerAEAENT
Variable jump heightsYETLYG or PETLYG
Jump over flagpoleVTPOZI
Walk past flagpoleAITOSA
Float from standing startYAZULG
Float from a running startYAZUIG
Float from turbo running onlyYAZUYG
Always FloatGETLYG
Always Float for long timePAZULG
Slow WalkingOVAAAE
Keep fire power on pick-upPAZSKO
Always SwimmingPAKOPPAA or PIGOAP
Always swimming in above ground worldsSYLOGK
Always swimming in some worldsNTLOGK
Always swimming and start halfway throughAAGOPO
Always SlidingVTTNYA
Always CrouchingVGANYA
Get bigger when walkingVTLNYA
Get bigger when jumpingVGANZA
Get smaller when jumpingVGANPA
Always change sizeVTLNGA
Fast leg movementVTYNYA
Run and jump at the same timeVGANAA
Start the level swimmingNLTOGK
Unusable pipes are upside downANTOSA
Able to easily access World -1 at end of World 1-2LEAOGK
Backgrounds and objects invisibleOKGASA or AXAENT
Enemies Invisible but are destroyed when you touch themKEATPE
Gain lives from jumping on enemiesKEATZE
Removes most holesSVPOUU
Removes or relocates most enemiesTSLIIT or SYLOKG
Removes all enemiesTSPIIT
Freeze most enemiesAALLEY
Different EnemiesVGLOKK
Different Enemies in World 1-1KTLOKK
Different enemies in Some WevelsYSYENT
Enemies follow youGNATUE
No castlesSTPONE
No obstacles after first pipeNTPOLS
Begin the game on World 1-2NGPOKG
Begin the game on World 2YSAOPE + YEAOZA + PEAPYA
Begin the game on World 2-1PLZOKG or PLZOKK or ILAPKK
Begin the game on World 3YSAOPE + YEAOZA + ZEAPYA or NGZOKK + PIGAOP
Begin the game on World 3-1PLAPKG
Begin the game on World 4YSAOPE + YEAOZA + LEAPYA
Begin the game on World 5YSAOPE + YEAOZA + GEAPYA or VTPOKG
Begin the game on World 6YSAOPE + YEAOZA + IEAPYA or NTPOKK
Begin the game on World 7YSAOPE + YEAOZA + TEAPYA
Begin the game on World 8YSAOPE + YEAOZA + YEAPYA
Turn World 1-1 into World 4-3 with waterEIPOKK
Data feedback modePGAOAA
Turn everything into a run offPGAOGG (Works best if used with the "Data feedback mode" code)
Different WorldPAAPIK
Different WorldNVAOGK
Different WorldLAOKK
Different WorldPLAOKG
Different WorldASAENT
Different WorldOLAOKK
Different WorldNVPOKG
Different WorldNNPOKG
Different WorldONZOGG
Different WorldPLLOVG
Different WorldVTPOZG
Different WorldNGPOKK
Different WorldASAENT + LSTETA
Different WorldVTZOZK
Different WorldTTLEXP
Different WorldVGAOKK + PIGAOP
Different WorldVGPOKG
Different WorldVTPOKK
Different WorldASAOGG + PIGAOP
Different WorldVGAOGG + ZLAOKK
Different WorldTEGOGG
Different WorldPLAOKK
Different WorldLSAENT + ZLGOKG
Different WorldASAENT + NTPOPI
Different WorldASAENT + NTPOZT
Different WorldOLZPKG
Different WorldYSAENV
Different World 1-1TTPOZG
Different World 1-1TPPOZG
Different World 1-1 and 1-2TAAPIG
Different World 1-1 and 1-2PAAPIK
Different World with no castle at endNTPOLT
Different WorldsASAEVT
Different WorldsASAENP
Different WorldsYLAOKK
Different Worlds and always swimmingYLAOKK + ILAPKK
Different Worlds with coin rooms when you fall down holesVGAOPO
Different Worlds upon pressing RESETPLGOKG
Lots more coins in World 1-1NTPOPT
Play World 1-1 with different or no enemiesVTLOKK
1 point worth 1 000 000 pointsNYTELN
Hold A on controller 2 to move Mario anywhereGSAENT
Hold A on controller 1 to move Mario anywhereISAENT
Play in DarknessASTETE
Play in Black and WhiteNEPELA
Offset objectsNTPOLE
Unable to shootEAZLIT
Reveal hidden blocksSTPENT
Falling 200 Point symbolsVTLNKA
Enemies have hammers in World 1-1NIYNEE
Enemies on blocks won't fallTEYVPA
"Level Select". Enter this code, then play through the new world (0-1) that you are placed in. Swim past the first pipe you see and keep going until you see water at the bottom of the screen. Swim over the blocks above this water but go down and backwards a little to drop down through the little opening in the blocks that leads to the bottom of the screen. Continue the level on this platform and after the message is displayed, press B to enter the Level Select screen. Press B at the Level Select screen to choose a level (as seen at the top of the screen), then press Start.YSAOPE + YEAOZA

Hint: Extra life in World 3-2

In World 3-2, there is an island located towards the middle of the level. The island has a pole with a brick above it. To the right of this island there are Koopa Troopas. Hit the first Koopa Troopa twice so that it moves to the right, hitting the other Koopa Troopas. This will give you an extra life if performed correctly. You have to wait slightly after you hit it so that by the time you get to the last group of turtles the shell is off the screen. The shell will then bounce off of the pipe and come back at you, hitting the last group of turtles in the process. If done correctly the extra life sound will be heard.

Hint: Moonwalk

In World 4-2, enter as small Mario and press the Jump button to hit the box that is located after several ledges. Then, run all the way to the left edge of the screen while still holding the Jump button the entire time. When Mario gets the mushroom, he will appear to do a moonwalk.

Hint: Jump over the flagpole

In World 3-3 (and possibly in World 7-2), there are two platforms that move up and down at the end before the flag. Stand on the left platform until you reach a point where it is safe to jump onto the right platform. Jump onto the right platform, then wait until it gets to its highest point before jumping towards the flagpole. If done correctly, you will jump over the flagpole and can keep walking past it. Note: If you walk to the right of the castle, a never-ending wall will appear as you continue to walk.

Glitch: Disappearing Star

In World 1-1, hit the brick that has the star in it found halfway through the level. Before it goes off-screen, hit the highest Question Mark block seen on screen. When the item comes out (mushroom or flower), the star will disappear. This also may be done in other levels.

Game Genie Codes (Home Brew)

Contributed by: Marcus Farley

This cheat requires the Game Genie cheat device.

Allow Mario to go down every pipe on every levelAGAPPT
Strange WorldVNLPOG
Strange WorldENLPOG
Strange WorldYNLPOG
Strange WorldGNLPOG
Strange WorldPNLPOG
Strange WorldSTPPOK
Strange WorldTNLPOG
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