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NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC

Cheats, codes, hints, tips, tricks, Easter eggs and game help

Play as team mascot

Enter one of the following initials and PINs to unlock the corresponding team mascot:

Atlanta HawksHAWK0322
Charlotte HornetsHORNET1105
Chicago BullsBENNY0503
Denver NuggetsROCKY0201
Houston RocketsTURBO1111
Indiana PacersBOOMER0604
Minnesota TimberwolvesCRUNCH0503
New Jersey NetsSLY6765
Phoenix SunsGORILA0314
Seattle SonicsSASQUA7785
Toronto RaptorsRAPTOR1020
Utah JazzBEAR1228

Create-a-player characters

Enter one of the following initials and PINs to unlock the corresponding hidden player:

Kerri in Alternate UniformKERRI1111
Kerri the Female PlayerKERRI0220
Large AlienBIGGY0958
Lia in Alternate UniformLIA1111
Lia the Female PlayerLIA0712
Nikko the Devil DogNIKKO6666
Old ManOLDMAN2001
Pinto HorsePINTO1966
Retro RobRETRO1970
Dennis RodmanRODMAN9676
Small AlienSMALLS0856
White HorseHORSE1966

Midway staff

Enter one of the following initials and PINs to unlock the corresponding Midway staff member:

Staff memberPositionInitialsPIN
Jennifer HedrickAlternate UniformJENIFR1111
Eugene GeerMidway ArtistE GEER1105
Jennifer HedrickMidway ArtistJENIFR3333
Jim GentileMidway ArtistGENTIL1228
John RootMidway ArtistROOT6000
Matt GilmoreMidway ArtistMATT G1006
Tim BryantMidway ArtistTIMMYB3314
Beth SmukowskiMidway Creative MediaBETHAN1111
Chris SkrundzMidway Creative MediaCMSVID0000
Dave GrossmanMidway Creative MediaDAVE1104
Jim TianisMidway Creative MediaDIMI0619
Larry WotmanMidway Creative MediaSTRAT2112
Tim MoranMidway Creative MediaTIMCRP6666
Alex GilliamMidway Game TesterLEX0014
Brian LeBaronMidway Game TesterGRINCH0222
Paulo GarciaMidway Game TesterPAULO0517
Sal DiVitaMidway Lead ArtistSAL0201
Mark TurmellMidway Lead ProgrammerTURMEL0322
Paul MartinMidway PC SupportSTENTR0269
Dan ThompsonMidway ProgrammerDANIEL0604
Jason SkilesMidway ProgrammerJASON3141
Jeff JohsonMidway ProgrammerJAPPLE6660
Mark GuidarelliMidway ProgrammerGUIDO6765
Rob GatsonMidway ProgrammerGATSON1111
Jon HeyMidway Sound and MusicJONHEY8823
Andy EloffMidway System HardwareELOFF2181
Mike LynchMidway System HardwareLYNCH3333

Miscellaneous players

Enter one of the following initials and PINs to unlock the corresponding player:

Shawn LiptakProgramming ConsultantLIPTAK0114
Isiah ThomasNBC Sports AnnouncerTHOMAS1111
Tim KitzrowMidway Sports AnnouncerTIMK7785
Willy MorrisMotion Capture ActorWIL0101
Greg CutlerMotion Capture ActorCUTLER1111
Chad EdmundsMotion Capture ActorCHAD0628

Cheat functions

To enable the following cheat functions, enter the corresponding button commands at the "Tonight's Match-Up" screen:

EffectButton command
Show shot %Pass, then Down
Show HotspotTurbo, then Down
Tournament mode (no power-ups)Turbo, Shoot, Pass, then Down
Snow on2Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, then Left
Thick fog on2Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, Pass, then Down
Night fog on2Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, Pass, then Left
Swamp fog on2Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, Pass, then Right
Fog on2Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, Pass, then Up
Blizzard on2Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, then Left
Rain on2Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, then Left
Big head modeTurbo, Turbo, then Right
No Hotspots1Turbo,Turbo, Pass, then Up
No fouls in versus modeTurbo, Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, then Left
No foulsTurbo, Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, then Right
ABA ballTurbo, Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, then Right
No replaysTurbo, Turbo, Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, then Left
Team uniform1Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, then Right
Midway uniformTurbo, Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Pass, then Right
Home uniformTurbo, Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Shoot, then Right
Unlimited turboTurbo, Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Pass, Shoot, then Up
Away uniformTurbo, Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Pass, Pass, then Right
Alternate uniformTurbo, Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, then Right
No tip offTurbo, Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass, then Up
No goal tendingTurbo,Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass, then Left

Bonus courts

Team 1 (Left)Hold Up and Turbo
Team 2 (Right)Hold Down and Turbo
Street CourtHold Left and Turbo
Island CourtHold Right and Turbo
Midway CourtHold Up, Shoot and Pass
NBC CourtHold Down, Shoot and Pass

Place any player on a team

To place any player on any team, enter the initials and PIN entry screen. Enter the first three letters of the team the player is normally on as initials, then enter his jersey number as a PIN. For example, to get Scottie Pippen, enter HOU as initials and 33 as a PIN.

Random team selection

For a random team selection, press Turbo and Left together at the team selection screen.

Alternative costumes

For alternative costumes, press Up or Down when creating a custom player.

Secret character attributes

Play as a secret character with a VMU in the controller. The character's attributes will be displayed on the VMU.

Any player's head in creation mode

To have any head in create a player mode, enter the first initials of the team for the player you want, then enter his jersey number as the PIN when prompted for a name. For example, if you want Allen Iverson's head, enter PHI as the name then 3 as the pin. If you done correctly, the message "Reserve Name Found, Enter New Name/PIN" will appear. Then, enter the name and PIN of your choice. You will have the head of any player in the game. This can be done with every player in the game, including the Midway All Stars.

Hint: Push player while performing super dunk

If you are playing the CPU or a human player, you can push him down when they do a super dunk. For example, when your opponent jumps very high to do a dunk, wait for him to come down about near the rim, then push them. If done correctly, you will push him down and he will lose the ball. The CPU will play harder after this is done. If your opponent tries this on you, just do lay-ups instead of super dunks. When you create a player, set your dunk attributes to at least 5 so you will do basic dunks and not risk getting pushed. For greater effect, enable the "No fouls" code.

Trivia answers

Are Harvey and Horace Grant brothers?True
Who was the last Philadelphia 76er to play in the All-Star game?Dana Barros

Action Replay CDX/GameShark CDX codes

This cheat requires the Action Replay CDX/GameShark CDX cheat device.

Unlimited Creation PointsFE71DD67 00000064
Home - 20 Extra Points 2nd Quarter3C722E17 C0705041 + 3C712E17 00000014
Home - 20 Extra Points 3rd Quarter88608750 C0705041 + 88638750 00000014
Home - 20 Extra Points 4th QuarterC2B8EDA8 C0705041 + C2BBEDA8 00000014
Away - 0 Points 1st QuarterDDC8898F 00000000
Away - 0 Points 2nd Quarter3CC12E17 00000000
Away - 0 Points 3rd Quarter61DB6111 00000000
Away - 0 Points 4th QuarterB37630DD 00000000
Home - 0 Points 1st QuarterF3999CD6 00000000
Home - 0 Points 2nd Quarter3C712E17 00000000
Home - 0 Points 3rd Quarter88638750 00000000
Home - 0 Points 4th QuarterC2BBEDA8 00000000
Disable Shot Clock4CAA1599 00000FFF
Home - 20 Extra Points 1st QuarterF39A9CD6 C0705041 + F3999CD6 00000014
Unlimited Turbo for Player 1710DD952 000042C8
Unlimited Turbo for Player 236892E17 000042C8
Unlimited Turbo for Player 376ADD952 000042C8
Unlimited Turbo for Player 442321599 000042C8
No Turbo for Player 1710DD952 00000000
No Turbo for Player 236892E17 00000000
No Turbo for Player 376ADD952 00000000
No Turbo for Player 442321599 00000000
Away Team Scores 200DDC8898F 00000032 + 3CC12E17 00000032 + 61DB6111 00000032 + B37630DD 00000032
Away Team Scores 0DDC8898F 00000000 + 3CC12E17 00000000 + 61DB6111 00000000 + B37630DD 00000000
Home Team Scores 200F3999CD6 00000032 + 3C712E17 00000032 + 88638750 00000032 + C2BBEDA8 00000032
Home Team Scores 0F3999CD6 00000000 + 3C712E17 00000000 + 88638750 00000000 + C2BBEDA8 00000000
Away - 20 Extra Points 1st QuarterDDCB898F C0705041 + DDC8898F 00000014
Away - 20 Extra Points 2nd Quarter3CC22E17 C0705041 + 3CC12E17 00000014
Away - 20 Extra Points 3rd Quarter61D86111 C0705041 + 61DB6111 00000014
Away - 20 Extra Points 4th QuarterB37530DD C0705041 + B37630DD 00000014
Start On 2nd QuarterB20530DD C0705041 + B20630DD 00000001
Start On 3rd QuarterB20530DD C0705041 + B20630DD 00000002
Start On 4th QuarterB20530DD C0705041 + B20630DD 00000003

CodeBreaker codes

This cheat requires the CodeBreaker cheat device.

Team 1 Score Modifier - 1st Quarter (adjust ???? to suit score)01317C44 0000????
Team 1 Score Modifier - 2nd Quarter (adjust ???? to suit score)01317C48 0000????
Team 1 Score Modifier - 3rd Quarter (adjust ???? to suit score)01317C4C 0000????
Team 1 Score Modifier - 4th Quarter (adjust ???? to suit score)01317C50 0000????
Team 2 Score Modifier - 1st Quarter (adjust ???? to suit score)01317C60 0000????
Team 2 Score Modifier - 2nd Quarter (adjust ???? to suit score)01317C64 0000????
Team 2 Score Modifier - 3rd Quarter (adjust ???? to suit score)01317C68 0000????
Team 2 Score Modifier - 4th Quarter (adjust ???? to suit score)01317C6C 0000????
Disable Shot Clock01317C38 00000FFF
Unlimited Turbo for Player 101317EA2 000042C8
No Turbo for Player 101317EA2 00000000
Unlimited Turbo for Player 201317EF6 000042C8
No Turbo for Player 201317EF6 00000000
Unlimited Turbo for Player 301317F4A 000042C8
No Turbo for Player 301317F4A 00000000
Unlimited Turbo for Player 401317F9E 000042C8
No Turbo for Player 401317F9E 00000000
2-Pointers/Dunks Score Modifier (adjust ?? to suit score)0008FA3E 000000??
3-Pointers Score Modifier (adjust ?? to suit score)0008FA62 000000??
Free Throws Score Modifier (adjust ?? to suit score)0008F658 000000??
Team 1 Always On Fire02317CFC 00000000
Team 2 Always On Fire02317CFC 00000001
Player 1 Always On Fire Modifier02317CB8 00000003 02317CB4 00000000
Player 2 Always On Fire Modifier02317CB8 00000003 02317CB4 00000001
Player 3 Always On Fire Modifier02317CB8 00000003 02317CB4 00000002
Player 4 Always On Fire Modifier02317CB8 00000003 02317CB4 00000003
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