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Street Fighter III: New Generation

Cheats, codes, hints, tips, tricks, Easter eggs and game help

CodeBreaker codes

This cheat requires the CodeBreaker cheat device.

Unlimited Health for Player 101543F66 000000A0
No Health for Player 101543F66 00000000
75% Health for Player 10D543F66 000000A0
75% Health for Player 101543F66 00000075
50% Health for Player 10D543F66 000000A0
50% Health for Player 101543F66 00000050
25% Health for Player 10D543F66 000000A0
25% Health for Player 101543F66 00000025
1-Hit Death for Player 10D543F66 000000A0
1-Hit Death for Player 101543F66 00000001
Maximum Super Gauge for Player 101544686 00000080
Empty Super Gauge for Player 101544686 00000000
Player 1 Never Stunned015446C2 00000000
Player 1 Easily Stunned015446C2 00000040
Player 1 Super Stunned015446BC 00000077
Player 1 Quick Stun Recovery015446BC 00000000
Player 1 Never Wins0154528E 00000000
One Win Needed for Player 10D54528E 00000000
One Win Needed for Player 10154528E 00000001
Player 1 Always Wins0154528E 00000002
Unlimited Health for Player 20154433E 000000A0
No Health for Player 20154433E 00000000
75% Health for Player 20D54433E 000000A0
75% Health for Player 20154433E 00000075
50% Health for Player 20D54433E 000000A0
50% Health for Player 20154433E 00000050
25% Health for Player 20D54433E 000000A0
25% Health for Player 20154433E 00000025
1-Hit Death for Player 20D54433E 000000A0
1-Hit Death for Player 20154433E 00000001
Maximum Super Gauge for Player 201544686 00000080
Empty Super Gauge for Player 201544686 00000000
Player 2 Easily Stunned015446D6 00000040
Player 2 Never Stunned015446D6 00000000
Player 2 Super Stunned015446D0 00000077
Player 2 Quick Stun Recovery015446D0 00000000
Player 2 Never Wins01545290 00000000
One Win Needed for Player 20D545290 00000000
One Win Needed for Player 201545290 00000001
Player 2 Always Wins01545290 00000002
Unlimited Time01545282 00000064

CodeBreaker codes (European version)

This cheat requires the CodeBreaker cheat device.

Player 1 Unlimited Health01549F66 000000A0
Player 1 75% Health0D549F66 000000A0 01549F66 0000007C
Player 1 50% Health0D549F66 000000A0 01549F66 00000050
Player 1 25% Health0D549F66 000000A0 01549F66 00000028
Player 1 1-Hit Death0D549F66 000000A0 01549F66 00000001
Player 1 Maximum Super0154A686 00000080
Player 1 No Super0154A686 00000000
Player 1 Win 1 Round To Win0D54B28E 00000000 0154B28E 00000001
Player 1 Never Wins0154B28E 00000000
Player 2 Unlimited Health0154A33E 000000A0
Player 2 75% Health0D54A33E 000000A0 0154A33E 0000007C
Player 2 50% Health0D54A33E 000000A0 0154A33E 00000050
Player 2 25% Health0D54A33E 000000A0 0154A33E 00000028
Player 2 1-Hit Death0D54A33E 000000A0 0154A33E 00000001
Player 2 Win 1 Round To Win0D54B290 00000000
Player 2 Cant Win0154B290 00000000
Hit Anywhere (Both Players)01037246 00000008
Throws Do Maximum Damage (Both Players)0101E1F0 0000E200
1 Punch For Maximum Super (Both Players)010196F4 0000E07F

Fight as Yang

To fight as Yang, highlight Yun at the character selection screen and press any Kick button.

Fight as Gill

To fight as Gill, successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting, then highlight Sean at the character selection screen and press Up, then Up. Alternatively, on Street Fighter New Generation highlight Sean and press Up. Gill will appear, but you can only choose one of his Super Arts.

Extra options

To unlock the Extra Options menu, first you must unlock Gill and Shin Gouki. After this, enter the option screen of either game and hold L and R together. Keep those buttons held until the extra options appear at the end of the code. Highlight the "Game Option" selection and press Left, Left, X, X, Right, then Right. Highlight the "Button Config" selection and press Left, Left, Y, Y, Right, then Right. Highlight the "Screen Adjust" selection and press Left, Left, X, Y, Right, then Right. Highlight the "Sound" selection and press Left, Left, Y, X, Right, then Right. If done correctly the "Extra Options" selection should now be unlocked.

Full pause screen

To remove the text from that pause screen, pause game play, then press X and Y together.

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