To start with $6 000 000, enter AKJGQ as your name.
To unlock all cars, enter DFGY as your name.
To unlock all tracks, enter ERERTH as your name.
To unlock all quick race tracks, enter CVCVBM as your name.
For no quick race tracks, enter OCVCVBM as your name.
For shorter tracks, enter QTFHYF as your name.
To unlock all challenges, enter OPIOP or POIOP as your name.
For no challenges, enter OPOIOP as your name.
To disable checkpoint times, enter FFOEMIT as a name.
To enable checkpoint times again, enter NOEMIT as your name.
For Stop The Bomber mode, enter RFGTR as your name. Alternatively, catch all of the speeders on the Paris, Rome, New York, Hong Kong and London tracks in cop chase mode.
When you are going around a sharp corner at high speeds, you will often go off of the track and lose speed, risking the loss of your place in the race. To prevent this, simply let off the gas completely at the middle of the corner until you start to skid. Do not panic. When you start to skid, accelerate again and you should regain control. Straighten yourself out and you can get to your top speed faster than if maintained the same speed throughout the entire turn.
In Class 4, the best car is the Nissan R390 Gt-1.
On every Class 4 car, you should add two steering upgrades. On every one below it, add at least one.
All white cars are faster.
This cheat requires the CodeBreaker cheat device.
Effect | Code |
Unlimited Money | 0111FBA0 0000FFFF |
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